We finished off training on Day 5 with more live blood analysis and education. To see the blood before and after the treatments was really informative. I could see some major changes in my blood, especially my circulation of the cells. You could also see some lung detoxification in the blood that was not previously visible. We had treated my lung points, so this made sense and was a great example of a quick cause/effect, though obviously not diagnosing or treating any specific disease pattern. I am going to expand on the live blood analysis in another post.

It was time to pack up and get on the flight home! I was ready to launch and LEAP into my future. I wasn’t sure exactly what the next step would be…
...The next step was to tell my dad. :) I had told my mom about the training, but had not mentioned kambo at all to my dad. I was worried about him being worried about me and my safety, as all dads are for their daughters. Google can be a scary thing sometimes. What would my other extended family members think about me? Oh well, I can no longer not be me. I have to do this and start embodying what I actually want to become instead of hiding in the shadows and not living to my true potential and highest vibration. To not do this would be letting down Spirit as the gifts are just sitting there waiting to be opened.
I was nervous. I knew I wanted to tell him at Thanksgiving, as that would be the next time I would see him. I took him downstairs and showed him my altar setup and then just blurted out that I was now working with “An Amazonian Frog Medicine”. I think he looked at me like I had four eyes and just laughed. I explained it all to him and he took it like a champ. I was so happy with the way the conversation went. I don’t know why I was scared in the first place. I am sure my parents have thought I was a little eccentric in the past and now they KNOW I am and still love me just the same!
After Thanksgiving, I planned to practice/treat friends and family for a while as I got things up and rolling. I still wanted to have a few more sessions under my belt before I launched. I am thankful my sister Madeline was willing and ready to volunteer. I took her through a 3-series with ease. She was a STRONG and

BRAVE woman ready to clear things out. It has been fun to watch her growth and transformation over the last couple of months. Joel, my husband, has worked with kambo twice. He is not as called to it as I am, but is always a willing sitter for me when I want to self-administer and he can burn the gates when I need him to on my spine.
I launched mid-December and have not looked back. I am so thankful to have a great community of friends in the area with similar interests. I knew they would be interested and hopefully this could assist them in shifting energies for them as well. I even partnered with Carri and Anastazia (also Frog Detox Practitioners) to host a three day Warrior Series for the New Year. That was exciting and it happened exactly as it should!
As I write this, it is February and I probably have 30+sessions under my belt at the moment (some self administration, friends & family, and repeats from the 3-series) but I am feeling a little more confident and trusting the medicine more each day.
I am excited to see where this takes me...I am ever the seeker. This feels like home to me. I know there will be more to come, but for right now, I want to stay in this moment and experience all the wonder that is swirling all around me. It is transformative to watch people move through blockages and accelerate their own healing journeys.
I hope you have enjoyed this series. There will be many future blogs about kambo, energy healing, and all things woo-woo!