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Meet Carly Sink

Energy, Kambo, and Light Practitioner

Carly is an energetic individual with a deep passion for learning and expanding her knowledge of all things bio-energetic and nature based, especially how energy and information moves through the body.


Carly completed her undergraduate studies at UNC-Chapel Hill, majoring in Exercise Science and Psychology. After experiencing severe health issues in her early 20's, and a second revision spinal surgery in 2011, Carly started on her path to learn about holistic healing and maintaining a harmonious relationship with the earth.  This led her to the field of energy work to help manage her back pain and overall well-being. 


Carly has a Clinical Aromatherapy certification through East-West School of Herbal and Aromatic Studies as well as a 200-hour yoga teacher certification in MindBody Centering Yoga through Global Breath Studio in Durham, NC.  She has studied the Andean Mystic Tradition with Joan Wilcox and is also trained in Reiki I and II. 


She has worked in sales for several high-tech bio-energetic tools (HRV HeartQuest, Theragem, NES Health), widening her perspective of how the physical body relates and connects to the energetic one. 


Carly owned a VibesUP Winston-Salem* shop and formulates for DNA Energetics*, a genomic based essential oil company, with Dr. Lari Young. She offers Vibrational Healing sessions, workshops, consultations and Theragem Crystal Light Therapy at her space.  She incorporates all of her knowledge of natural tools for healing - crystals, aromas, light, and more!


In the beginning of 2020, Carly began her personal journey with Kambo Frog Medicine. Immediately she knew this powerful animal was calling to her. She worked deeply on a personal level with Kambo for about 9 months before connecting with Frog Detox Team and completing an intensive and comprehensive practitioner training that included some unique health specific application techniques. She has integrated her energetic experiences with her ceremonies and is excited to assist and guide people as they do their work to heal and renew.


In her spare time she loves to get outside, create crystal grids, cook vegetables, and spend time with her husband Joel and their pupster Ziggy. 


*The ideas, information, and education on this site are not representative of the  VibesUP, Inc. parent company or DNA Energetics

Meet Amelia

Hi-Frequency Healing

Connecting and Empowering YOU to the Healer Within
What is Energy Healing?

What is Energy Healing? 

It can help with

Stress Support

When energy is not flowing coherently through the body we tend to create blocks and store stress in our nervous system! Stress can come from so many aspects of our lives...most often subconscious. Keeping energy flowing freely and with ease helps us process these stresses easier! 


When our energy body is drained we can not process or assimilate energy as easily as we could!


Energy sessions can clear out the cobwebs on the mental and energetic level! 

Emotional Health 

Day to day interactions as well as old events can create blocks or dissonance in our bio-energetic field. Over time, these blocks and lead to physical manifestations. Keeping the emotional body in check can be powerful for balance and well-being! 


Life, work, home, family...

Staying grounded and centered creates flow through various aspects of our lives!

Auric Field Strength

Strengthen your energy body through some of our services...sound, light, crystal, and reiki therapies! 

Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating; each atom is like a wobbly spinning top that radiates energy. Because each atom has its own specific energy signature (wobble), assemblies of atoms (molecules) collectively radiate their own identifying energy patterns. So every material structure in the universe, including you and me, radiates a unique energy signature. 

- Bruce Lipton, Biology of Belief 



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